What is Center for Growth?
Center for Growth is a specialized mental health clinic focused on helping you regain that feeling of being in control of your own life. Tired of obsessing over the scale? Frustrated with yourself for obsessing about something someone said years ago and still being stuck in your own head? Sick of looking of looking at past pictures of yourself and wishing you looked like that again even though at the time you hated the way you looked?
Well, you are NOT alone! The name Center for Growth originates from my core belief that everyone deserves a chance to look inward, explore, and grow. Under my focused, individualized care I will provide you with worksheets, tools and one-on-one therapy sessions all designed to work together in order to help you heal your relationship with food and your body.
Tired of the war on your body?
I can help with that.

Deanna Smith, LCSW (she/her)
Practice location: Murray & Salt Lake City, UT
Mental Health Therapist, Public Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, University--Level Educator
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